What is Life Transformation Prayer Therapy?and Seven Reasons that Christian prayer therapy is effective |
© George Hartwell M.Sc. 2007, all rights reserved. Contact Mr. Hartwell at: Suite 123, 1454 Dundas St. East, Mississauga, Ontario, L4X 1L4. (416) 234-1850. Life Transformation Therapy was developed by George Hartwell and is an example of the third generation of Christian inner healing. An inner healing approach to counselling tends to resolve core issues so that therapy does not need to drag on for years with little resolution.
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I believe that some of the effectiveness of Life Transformation Prayer Therapy is based on the following:
CORE BELIEFS: Life Transformation Prayer Therapy focuses on the cognitive component of significant root memories. Counselling research is clear - therapies that deal directly with the beliefs that underlie behavior are the most effective. God's healing goes to the heart (unconscious mind) while self change depends on the conscious mind.
TOUCH the HEART by using the IMAGINATION: Life Transformation Prayer Therapy works at the heart level not just the head level. We always add an encounter with God, an experience or God to our prayers to God. Prayer involving the imagination, like Jesus' parables and children's stories, touch the heart.
GOD'S EFFECTIVE WORD: Life Transformation Prayer Therapy makes use of God's word spoken to me. This is the living and effective Word spoken of in Hebrews 4:12. We don't just speak to God in prayer; we listen for God's word to us.
HOLY SPIRIT GUIDANCE: God guides the process so that we are lead to focus on those memories whose healing will impact many other memories. To human wisdom and experience, add divine guidance.
NEW HEART, NEW SPIRIT: Time after time we find that an encounter with God brings about a whole new heart, new spirit, a new attitude. For example, when dealing with abuse and core beliefs are replaced with God's truth, there will be a spontaneous new attitude toward the abuser. Understanding and compassion replaces bitterness and fear. This is one fulfillment of the Biblical promise a new heart and a new spirit in Ezekiel 36:26.
IDENTITY IS THE CORE: The great benefit in dealing with core beliefs and new attitudes is that these are the foundation of one's identity. Bring wholeness to someone's identity and self-concept and everything else in their life, personality and behaviour will be effected. I find that clients gain personal security and a stronger sense of identity. as they develop this strong secure bond with God.
A POSITIVE CYCLE: One thing that sustains these positive changes is that others will respond positively to positive changes in us. This makes our life happier and we are more likely to be stay positive in our attitudes, expectations and behaviour. My experience at Agape Christian Counselling and with Life Transformation Prayer Therapy Retreats is that clients feel more comfortable with God. They learn to listen to God and develop a strong secure bond with God which provides core security.
In marriage counselling office sessions there is often not the time and trust level to include prayer therapy within the couple work. The main focus in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy work.
Within Christian Marriage Retreats trust builds and the time is there to deal with some of the personal characteristics that cause problems in the marriage. I have identified 10 marriage transforming prayer encounters that can be helpful within the Christian marriage retreat.
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Contact: (416) 234-1850 Office: 123 1454 Dundas Street East, Mississauga, Ontario. L4X 1L4